

The concept of “Nonsuch Investment”

Select the ”super-boom” fields. Each age has its strong-growth trend. Some industries experience their own “super-boom”, and then create huge benefits. For instance, Real Estate and Internet in the past 30 years, and Health Care, Technology and Consumption in the coming 30 years.

Follow the Kings among the thousands of companies. The best leader is the richest Alpha. For example, Wangshi of Vanke, Ren Zhengfei of Huawei, and Sun Piaoyang of Hengrui.

Pursue “Long-Term Absolute Return ”. The Chinese Dream will come true in the coming 30 years. Best of best companies will achieve significant growth. The fund manager has the responsibility for chasing a better absolute return, and helping investors establish confidence to have a long-tern investing and holding. Be friends with time, and share the prosperity of age.